Do you have purchasing problems like I do? Find yourself buying stuff you don’t really need or aren’t even entirely sure you want? You may want to stay away from the Square Enix store.
They’re having a massive Spring clearance sale right now and there are some rather great titles mixed in there. Dragon Quest IV and V for the DS are on sale for $14.99 and $19.99, respectively. The DS version of Chrono Trigger is $9.99. Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster for the Playstation 4 is $9.99. Life is Strange for the Xbox One and Playstation 4 are $9.99. You get the idea.
The idea of a Spring clearance sale is to get rid of some stock that’s overflowing your inventory. Oddly, a lot, hell, if not all, of their PC download catalog seems to be on sale. I guess those codes are taking up a lot of harddrive space somewhere? Whatever. Looks like all of the Legacy of Kain games are on sale for $1.75 each. Guess what you’ll be hearing about me having purchased on the podcast next week?