Big Capcom Sale On Xbox Consoles

If you have a Xbox 360 or Xbox One and are a fan of Capcom titles, you’re in luck. There are a ton of Capcom titles on sale this week. I listed them below along with links to purchase them. Go nuts!

Xbox One

Mega Man Legacy Collection$14.99 $8.99

DmC: Devil May Cry – Definitive Edition $29.99 $9.90

Devil May Cry 4 – Special Edition: Demon Hunter Bundle $35.99 $18.00

Strider $14.99 $3.75

Resident Evil 0 $19.99 $13.99

Resident Evil $19.99 $11.99

Resident Evil Deluxe Origins Bundle$39.99 $23.99

Resident Evil 5$19.99 $15.99

Resident Evil 6 $19.99 $13.99

Resident Evil Revealations 2 – Season Pass$19.99 $10.00 (Episode One is free)

Resident Evil Revealations 2 – Deluxe Edition $29.99 $15.99


Xbox 360

Final Fight: Double Impact $9.99 $2.49 (backwards compatible)

Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD Remix $9.99 $3.29

Capcom Arcade Cabinet – $1.24 (backwards compatible) (includes Black Tiger1943, and Avengers)

Darkstalkers Resurrection $14.99 $4.49

Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen $29.99 $7.49

DuckTales: Remastered$14.99 $3.74 (backwards compatible)

Resident Evil – Code: Veronica X $19.99 $4.99

Devil May Cry HD Collection $19.99 $4.99

Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix $9.99 $3.74

Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition$14.99 $3.74

Bionic Commando – $2.99

Bionic Commando: Rearmed $9.99 $3.99

Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 $9.99 $2.99 (backwards compatible)

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