
In Search of Departed Slime: Memories of Dragon Quest
Dragon Quest XI is out in English and that’s just the tops. I’m really looking forward to revisiting my 2017 GOTY in the coming weeks and months. Last year, I was living a different life. This year a lot has changed for me: I have a kid now, I changed jobs, and I’ve moved across […]

Jason Arriola’s Favorite Games of 2017
I guess being a bit of the odd duck on the site, I’m going to throw in a couple of retro releases. I have more than five games I want to list, but without the retro releases to round it out, I’d have some oddball number and it was going to drive me nuts. Much […]

Anthony Gore’s Favorite Games of 2017
On paper, 2017 was a pretty great year for video games. It was also kind of an odd one for me. I originally thought I had played a solid number of games and looking back, I did, but I quickly realized that only a handful of those had released in 2017. I actually reviewed more […]

John Lucero’s Top 10 Games of the Year
This has been a hell of a year for video games. The sheer amount of good to great releases feels unprecedented. I honestly believe there were fantastic games for every taste out there in the year 2017. My personal list has been pretty fluid with changing titles and orders every time I thought about it. […]

John Lucero’s Top 5 Movies of the Year
As I was putting this list together I came to a realization; I didn’t have strong enough feelings on some movies I saw this year to justify a top 10 list, so I decided to drop it down to five. That way I’m not wasting your time by praising something I only sort of enjoyed. […]

Jason Arriola’s Favorite Podcasts of 2017
If you’re looking for some podcasts to listen to, I’ve got a few suggestions for you. These are a few of my favorites that I either started listening to last year, they started last year, or I felt they really came into their own last year. You know, some sort of qualification tying it to […]

Jason Arriola’s Top Ten (Mostly) Game Albums of the Year
We put up John’s favorite albums from 2017 earlier this week. To jump on the bandwagon, these are my favorite game-related albums from last year. Most of them are direct soundtracks, but some are fan made remixes that stuck with me throughout the year. Honorable Mentions: Shadows of Adam – Tyler Mire, Blossom Tales: […]

John Lucero’s Top 10 Albums of the Year
Music was so good in 2017. As a huge hip hop fan, the breadth of quality options lead to me listening to a new album or two every week. I totaled just over 70 full length albums this year and that doesn’t include the many singles I also enjoyed. What I’m trying to say is […]

The Possible Realities Of A Nintendo 64 Classic
I feel like we’re partially responsible for this, willing it into an early existence, having talked about the possibility of a Nintendo 64 Classic on the latest podcast. If you haven’t heard, Nintendo filed a trademark for the Nintendo 64 controller image. It seems more an inevitability than a “what if”, so I started […]