
Gore’s Favorite Games of Not-E3
It’s that time of year again! While E3 didn’t actually happen this year, there were still plenty of game announcements over the past week. I thought I’d take some time and cover a few of the ones that caught my eye. This obviously isn’t everything that was shown off and I wasn’t actually able to […]

Eight to Consider: Games of E3 2019
It’s June and that can mean only one thing in the world of video games – E3 is upon us. It pains me to say it, but I can’t lie, E3 isn’t nearly as exciting as it was a decade ago when I got back into video games. That said, I’m not a completely jaded […]

Anthony Gore’s Games of 2018
I’m sure you all know the drill at this point. Everyone and their mother seems to post a list about all of their favorites from the year, so I’ll spare you the build up and just get into some of the games I enjoyed in 2018. Games Crossed Off the Backlog This year I’m going […]

Eight to Consider: Games of E3 2018
This year’s E3 is in the books and, as I’ve done in years past, I thought I’d discuss some of the best games I saw during the show. There were a number of really interesting games shown off and announced this year, but unfortunately a good deal of those seemed to focus heavily on multiplayer. […]

Dragon Quest III at 30
Today is the 30th anniversary of Dragon Quest III’s Japanese release. DQIII cemented the series as a cultural touchstone and something more than a fad. Lines snaked around blocks, kids played truant and the game became a national talking point. On the whole, the Dragon Quest series is very iterative. Each successive game builds on the […]

Jason Arriola’s Favorite Games of 2017
I guess being a bit of the odd duck on the site, I’m going to throw in a couple of retro releases. I have more than five games I want to list, but without the retro releases to round it out, I’d have some oddball number and it was going to drive me nuts. Much […]

Anthony Gore’s Favorite Games of 2017
On paper, 2017 was a pretty great year for video games. It was also kind of an odd one for me. I originally thought I had played a solid number of games and looking back, I did, but I quickly realized that only a handful of those had released in 2017. I actually reviewed more […]

John Lucero’s Top 10 Games of the Year
This has been a hell of a year for video games. The sheer amount of good to great releases feels unprecedented. I honestly believe there were fantastic games for every taste out there in the year 2017. My personal list has been pretty fluid with changing titles and orders every time I thought about it. […]

John Lucero’s Top 5 Movies of the Year
As I was putting this list together I came to a realization; I didn’t have strong enough feelings on some movies I saw this year to justify a top 10 list, so I decided to drop it down to five. That way I’m not wasting your time by praising something I only sort of enjoyed. […]