
FuriousWang Plays Sweet Home Part One: Worms and Blue Boards

Greetings and salutations! Welcome to October, my favorite month out of the year! To celebrate my favorite month, I decided to play a classic horror game, SWEET HOME! Obviously it’s the fan translated version of the game as my Japanese is a bit rusty. So relax, turn down the lights and lets get ready to […]

FuriousWang Plays Earthbound p2: All Hail Carpainter!

I’m back to Earthbound as we learn the location of Paula from the help of Everdred. As well as funding a future inventor in order to help move along the path to find Happy Happy Valley, where the Blue Cult has moved in. Join me as we battle the cult leader in order to save […]

FuriousWang Plays EarthBound Part 1: Meteors, Gangs and Police Brutality, OH MY!

Greetings and salutations! At long last I begin my playthrough of EarthBound (Mother 2) This is easily one of my favorite games of all time. It’s quirky, it’s odd and just plain fun, so join me and let’s begin the journey of a lifetime! What starts as an innocent game quickly turns deep when a […]

FuriousWang Plays River City Ransom EX Complete

I’ve returned to play one of the more famous Japanese beat em’ up games River City Ransom EX! I was unable to find a translated copy of Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari so the GBA version was as close to the original as I could get. As it kept much of the original visuals without westernizing it […]

Voyeurism – Wild Guns

Since we’re getting an updated version soon, I decided to mess around with the original Wild Guns on the Wii U Virtual Console.

FuriousWang Plays The Legend of Zelda

I decided to get back to my roots and beat a game that feels like every gamer should defeated at least once. I didn’t realize how challenging it remained over these decades. So join me for the fun of attempting to conquer a game from my childhood!   As always, like the video or comment. […]

FuriousWang’s Complete Earthbound Zero Playthrough

Greetings and salutations! Welcome to my first playthrough and recording of Earthbound Zero (Mother)! I’m a huge fan of the Earthbound series, so it was great to play the game that started it all. So join me for the strange and unusual that has become a staple of the series. As we fight through faux […]

Voyeurism: Nioh Alpha Demo

I really enjoy the Souls series. I’ve owned them all and have played all but Dark Souls III. You’d think I’d have something resembling competence when it comes to playing them. Well, as you can see below, my first bit of playing the Nioh, a game clearly inspired heavily by the Souls games, I clearly am still lacking a bit […]

Voyeurism: Twilight Princess HD – The First Hours

I’m not planning on doing much in the way of commentary on these things, but I thought I’d start actually putting up my recordings of what I’m playing. Of course, I came up with yet another clever title for this – Voyeurism. On this first segment of Voyeurism, I kick it off with The Legend of […]

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