Final Fantasy XV DLC Gets Dated

Square Enix has finally given some dates for its upcoming DLC, including the Chapter 13 changes mentioned by the developers back in December. Via Active Time Report, Square has announced that on March 28th the update will go live alongside its first of three character DLC, “Episode Gladiolus”. The episode will help fill in a gap during the main part of the story as the player takes on the role of Gladiolus. The developers have said Gladiolus will have a different play style from Noctis and that fan favorite character Gilgamesh will make an appearance. italicize


On February 21st players will be able to get their Sentai on with brand new Magitek Exosuits for the party. The suits come along with the free Booster Pack but those that purchased the Booster Pack+ will also have access to the Boost Sword, Dragon Mod, and Avoil Reel. That same day the game will be updated with PS4 Pro support, limited time quests, a new level cap of 120 and an updated photo capacity.

And if you’re absolutely dying for some new Final Fantasy XV content the Moogle Chocobo Carnival is live in the game until February 19th. It’s good, dumb fun and if you want to hear some more in depth thoughts give this weeks GAJ Podcast a listen. Make sure to keep it here for more Final Fantasy news.


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