What happens when you, along with the populace of a city, have been drugged up to forget your woes and one day you decide you’ve had enough of it? We Happy Few explores just that.
It takes place in a city in an England that has it’s citizens on a drug called “Joy,” something meant to keep everyone in a delusional state of happiness, no matter what the circumstance. The residents and police don’t take kindly to people expressing emotions other than being happy and will attack the “downers” violently. It’s all rather morid and you can see how some it works in the below trailer.
If it has you curious, We Happy Few is coming to Steam Early Access, Xbox One Game Preview, and GOG’s Games in Development on July 28th. You can check out what seems to be the genesis of your self-imposed detox in the trailer below.
We Happy Few doesn’t have an official release date, but with the preview version set to release in just a few weeks, hopefully that means we’ll be seeing it sooner rather than later. In the meantime, here are some screenshots of it if the two videos weren’t enough to sate your curiousity.