This is a series I’ve been wanting to do for a while. There are so many games that pop up on digital storefronts nowadays (especially the Switch eShop) that it can be hard to figure out what is worth playing. It’s impossible to review every great game and some can get lost in the wasteland of garbage that is the digital marketplace. So, in this series I hope to shed some light on some of the stuff that I enjoy and hopefully help you find something worthwhile as well.
Now, not all of these games are going to be of the lesser-known variety, but I will try to focus more on the “hidden gems” I’ve played. It is also worth noting that not all of the games I cover will be exclusively digital and may have physical copies available as well, so keep that in mind when it comes to the prices I’ve listed below. With all that out of the way, please enjoy volume one.

Slay the Spire
Platforms: PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS
Price: $24.99
The deckbuilder roguelike seems to be the new fad in games lately, but for my money the game that popularized the genre and did it the best is Slay the Spire. In Slay the Spire you can pick from four different starting characters, each with their own set of cards and distinct strategies to master. You’ll then be tasked with making it through three increasingly difficult floors discovering new cards, relics, enemies, and bosses. Once you’re finally able to complete a run, there’s still plenty to do as there are daily challenges, custom runs you can modify to your liking, and even Ascension mode, which makes the game tougher and tougher with each ascension level. I’ve been wanting to cover this game for a while as it has legitimately become one of my favorite games. I’ve spent nearly 200 hours with it on Steam, over 70 hours on Switch (so far), and even played it a bit on PS4 and Xbox One. Slay the Spire is a game I really can’t recommend enough.

Cozy Grove
Platforms: PS4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Switch, PC, Mac
Price: $14.99
Cozy Grove is a wholesome game where you play as a Spirit Scout that has washed up on a mysterious island and must get to know its ghostly inhabitants. Much like a game like Animal Crossing, Cozy Grove is synced up with the time on your device, so each day there will be new stuff to do and discover. You can do everything from fishing and cooking to crafting and decorating. There are also tons of quests and side quests to complete during the 40+ hour experience. The developers have been updating the game regularly, which has improved the experience immensely over the months since release. They even recently released the game’s first paid DLC, so if you’re a fan of life-sim games, there’s never been a better time to jump into Cozy Grove. This is one that I’ve played on both PS4 and Xbox One and it even made my list of favorite games from 2021, so I think it’s pretty dope.

Platforms: Switch, PC, iOS, Android
Price: $9.99
Holedown is a game I randomly stumbled across when I saw a video covering it on YouTube and from the first moments of that video I knew it was a game for me. It’s a pretty simple concept where you shoot balls from the top of the screen to break blocks down below in order to reach the core of a planet. Each block has a number on it and you’ll have to hit it that many times to break it and as you break blocks you’ll collect little crystals. This is where Holedown really shines because those crystals will allow you to buy a number of upgrades and tailor your experience. It’s just a lot of addictive fun and at times has some of the most satisfying gameplay. There are six different planets to burrow through (each with multiple puzzle boards), a co-op mode, leaderboards, and even an endless mode, so there’s a decent amount of stuff to keep you entertained.

Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles
Platforms: PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Switch, PC
Price: $29.99
I actually reviewed Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles back when it was released in 2017 and found it to be a delightful little game. I feel like it doesn’t get the love it deserves, so I figured I’d drop it on this list. Yonder is an adventure game, almost bordering on life-sim at times, where you explore the world of Gemea, helping its residents and trying to solve the mystery of why some areas have been covered in a mysterious cloud known as Murk. There is no combat in Yonder, as it is all about exploration, befriending wildlife, helping towns folks, and even creating your own farm. It’s a super chill, beautiful game with a ton of charm and one I think about quite often. The only thing really holding it back is that its $30 price tag is a bit steep, but if you ever see it on sale, it’s definitely worth checking out. I’ve wanted to revisit for a while now, but with the dreaded backlog I haven’t been able to, unfortunately. If you want a more in-depth explanation, please check out my review.

Platforms: Switch, PC
Price: $0.99 (Switch), $1.99 (Steam)
Squidlit is the definition of a bite-sized game, as you can finish it in less than an hour if you have any semblance of platforming skills. That’s not a bad thing though, because what you get is a pretty fun little game. Your tiny squid can jump and then jump again to shoot ink downwards and that’s about the extent of the controls. You’ll then be tasked with making your way through a castle to stop the baddie known as Skwit Skwot from unleashing his diabolical plan. It’s a solid platformer with some light puzzle elements and a neat Game Boy aesthetic. If you have a couple bucks (or some gold coins laying around in your eShop account) and are looking for something short, but solid, this is the perfect game to give a look.