Rock Out With Your Cart Out 50 – 30 Day Video Game Music Challenge

I made it to fifty episodes! It’s been a hell of a ride getting here, so I thought I’d do something that shows the diversity of (or some may argue my lack of)  my tastes in video game music. This was originally a Twitter thing I saw that I thought would make a good episode of the show. So, here we are, with the longest episode I’ve ever put together. I hope you enjoy listening to this as much as I had getting it together for you!

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The ROWYCO theme song is “Kaze Fuma” and was created by chibi-tech for the podcast.

The ROWYCO logo was designed by Melissa Diaz.

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And finally, here’s the track listing for this episode.

Day 1: Title Screen Music – “Scars of Time” from Chrono Cross by Yasunori Mitsuda

Day 2: Opening Level Music – “Overworld Theme” from Super Mario Land by Hip Tanaka

Day 3: 8-bit Music – “Title Screen” from Mega Man 2 by Takashi Tateishi

Day 4: Muisc from a Console Exclusive – “Resistance and Extermination” from Gravity Rush/Daze by Kohei Tanaka

Day 5: Hub World or Overworld Music – “Dark Side Field” from Terranigma by Miyoko Takaoko and Masanori Hikichi

Day 6: Music That Makes You Feel Relaxed – “Hope Journey” from Lost Sphear by Miyoshi Tomoki

Day 7: Music from an Indie Game – “Dangers in Stock” from Bot Vice by Dominic Ninmark

Day 8: Music from a Shooter (First or Third Person) – “The Last Spartan” from Halo 2 by Martin O’Donnell

Day 9: Music from a Licensed Game – “Moon Theme” from DuckTales by Hiroshige Tonomura

Day 10: RPG Battle Music – “Leap the Precipice” from Eternal Sonata/Trusty Bell by Motoi Sakuraba

Day 11: Puzzle Game Music – “Goldenrod Gym” from Pokémon Puzzle Challenge by Taishi Senda and Minako Hamano

Day 12: Music That Makes You Feel Sad – “Forever Rachel” from Final Fantasy VI by Nobuo Uematsu

Day 13: Music You Like from a Game You Don’t Like – “The Boy Who Had Wings” from Ys III: Wanderers from Ys by Falcom Sound Team jdk

Day 14: Music Featuring Vocals – “Rush Out!” From Ys Seven by Falcom Sound Team jdk

Day 15: Boss Battle Music – “World Revolution” from Chrono Trigger by Yasunori Mitsuda

Day 16: 16-bit Music – “Spark Mandrill” from Mega Man X by Setsuo Yamamoto, Makoto Tomozawa, Yuki Iwai, Yuko Takehara, and Toshihiko Horiyama

Day 17: Music You Never Get Tired Of  – “Sunshine Coastline” from Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana by Falcom Sound Team jdk

Day 18: Music from the Year You Were Born – Pole Position TV show theme

Day 19: Cover of Music from a Different Artist – “Kaze Yo Tsutaete (Buster Core Meltdown Mix)” from Chiptuned Rockman by Jane-Evelyn Nisperos (aka chibi-tech)

Day 20: Music from a Racing Game – “Fun Loving Spirit” from Wangan Midnight Maxium Tune by Yuzo Koshiro

Day 21: Music You Associate with Frustration – “Underwater” from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles by Jun Funahashi

Day 22: Town/Village Music – “Kakariko Village” from The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past by Koji Kondo

Day 23: Underrated Music – “Flood of Power” from Midnight Resistance by Azusa Hara, Hiroaki Yoshida, Fuse, Tatsuya Kiuchi, and Hitomi Komatsu

Day 24: Music You Constantly Have Stuck in Your Head – “To the End of the Wilderness” from Wild Arms by Michiko Naruke

Day 25: Music That Gets You Pumped Up – “First Step Towards War” from Ys I: Ancient Ys Vanished by Falcom Sound Team jdk

Day 26: Music You Like from a Game You Haven’t Played – “Cut to the Chase” from Uncharted 4 by Henry Jackman

Day 27: Music from a Handheld Game – “Tal Tal Mountain Range” from The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening by Kazumi Totaka, Minako Hamano, and Kozue Ishikawa

Day 28: Music That Makes You Nostalgic – “Level 1″ from Blaster Master by Naoki Kodaka

Day 29: Final Boss Music – “Meridian Dance” from Secret of Mana by Hiroki Kikukta

Day 30: Credits Music – “Rebirth” from Illusion of Gaia by Yasuhiro Kawasaki

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