ROWYCO 22 – Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean – Disc Two

Jason Arriola and Dominic Chavez are wrapping their discussion on Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean. We loved this one, but Jason may have picked a few that Dominic wasn’t as keen on. Hey, we can’t always agree! All in all though. we loved this soundtrack and we’re looking forward to covering more of Motoi Sakuraba’s work and, hopefully, getting around to Baten Kaitos Origins

The ROWYCO theme song, “Kaze Fuma”, was composed by chibi-tech and our logo was designed by Melissa Diaz. Like what you hear? You can support us on Patreon, listen to us on  Apple PodcastsGoogle PlaySpotifyStitcher, or you can subscribe here.  Why not give us a rating while you’re over on whatever podcast platform you use (or, you know, do it up on all of them because you like us). Check out our site, Games and Junk, for more podcasts and written content from us.  

And finally, here’s the track listing for this episode.

-Dead Beat


-House of Cards/Castle in the Sand

-Start on a Voyage

-Strike Off the Enemy

-Awakening Disaster/Awakening Calamity

-Brave Way

-Acceptance and Refusal/Keppakudan

-Survival from the Force

-The True Mirror ~Guitar Version~

-Supreme Ruler of the Nine Heavens

-Violent Storm

-Last Moment of the Wicked Way/A Last Villanious Quip

-Earth Advent

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