Tag Archives: Android

Gore’s Gallery of Glorious Games – Volume One

This is a series I’ve been wanting to do for a while. There are so many games that pop up on digital storefronts nowadays (especially the Switch eShop) that it can be hard to figure out what is worth playing. It’s impossible to review every great game and some can get lost in the wasteland […]

Nexomon: Extinction Review

Platforms: PlayStation 4 (reviewed), Nintendo Switch, Android, Microsoft Windows, Xbox One, Mac, and iOS Nexomon: Extinction is a game I’ve been planning on playing for a while now. I’m a big Pokémon fan and I’ve exhausted nearly all the content that the franchise has to offer, so I thought I’d branch out and try some […]

Estiman Review

Platforms: Microsoft Windows, Nintendo Switch (reviewed), Android, iOS Sometimes I need a game to act as a palette cleanser. I just recently spent nearly 75 hours playing through Assassin’s Creed Odyssey and I haven’t been ready to jump into another big, story-driven game just yet. So I’ve been looking for more relaxing and bite-sized gaming […]

Stray Cat Doors Review

Platforms: Switch (reviewed), Android, iOS The Nintendo Switch eShop is packed with games and dozens of new ones release on a weekly basis. This makes it rather hard to not only keep up with all the new content, but also weed out the good from the bad. Every once in a while though, a game […]

Survive! Mr. Cube Review

Platforms: Android, iOS, PlayStation 4 (reviewed), and Switch Games in and inspired by the Rogue-like genre have become quite popular among indie titles. It seems like a new one is released almost weekly, so it takes a lot to separate from the pack. Survive! Mr. Cube falls into this category and while it has its […]

96 – The Kingdom Hearts III Ending, According to Mike Drucker

The Merry Band of Dipshits talk about Nintendo’s online service…thing, Walmart’s E3 leaks, and other bits of news. John puts the wraps on God of War and gets back into Destiny 2. Jason really enjoyed the mobile game, SIMULACRA, and is head over heels for State of Decay 2 (surprise). Games We Talk About –Simulacra –God […]

Dragon Quest III at 30

Today is the 30th anniversary of Dragon Quest III’s Japanese release. DQIII cemented the series as a cultural touchstone and something more than a fad. Lines snaked around blocks, kids played truant and the game became a national talking point. On the whole, the Dragon Quest series is very iterative. Each successive game builds on the […]

Pocket Card Jockey Review

Platforms: Android, iOS, and Nintendo 3DS (reviewed) Game Freak may be most well known for the  Pokémon series, but they’ve also released their fair share of other quirky titles. One of the latest to be added to that list is Pocket Card Jockey, a mash up of horse racing and solitaire. If that sounds a little […]

Organ Trail Complete Edition Review

Platforms: Android, iOS, Linux, Mac, Ouya, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita (reviewed), and Windows Are you old enough to remember those days in school when your teacher was hung over and clearly not wanting to be bothered, so they’d ship you off to the computer lab to play Oregon Trail? If you answered yes to this […]

Need Some More Rock Types? It’s Go Time.

Pokémon Go is having an event that starts tomorrow, May 18th at 1 PM PDT and lasts through the following Thursday, May 25th at 1PM PDT. This event, Adventure Week, will up the encounter rate for Rock-type Pokémon, give you more items at PokéStops, cut the distance required for candy for your Buddy Pokémon, and give you the […]

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