Tag Archives: Birthdays The Beginning

Happy Birthdays Review

Platform: Switch Do you have some nostalgia for those educational games of yesteryear? I grew up playing a lot of them and that likely led up to my fondness for games that might be a bit more slow paced but require a fair amount of planning like Tactics Ogre and SimCity. Getting into those types of games felt […]

72 – Couch Stuff

Jason Arriola, John Lucero, and Brittany Beshel talk about stuff you may do on a couch, the game that DeviantArt was created for is finally happening, and the breeding habits of video game characters.

Birthdays The Beginning Gets North American And European Release Date

If you’re a fan of Harvest Moon, the creator of the series, Yasuhiro Wada, has a new game coming out called Birthdays the Beginning. It will be launching for the Playstation 4 and PC in North America on March 7th and Europe March 10th. If you’re unfamiliar with the game, think a more whimsical Spore mixed in with E.V.O.: Search […]

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