Tag Archives: ceratopian

So Say We All 3 – Babylon 5: The Gathering

Jason Arriola, Stephanie Kulak, and Ceratopian are talking about yet another pilot. This time, we’ve moved onto Babylon 5’s pilot. We may have set the bar a little too high with the Battlestar Galactica pilot, but at least we know the show VASTLY improves after this. Support us on Patreon! Jason Arriola – Twitter / […]

So Say We All 1 – Battlestar Galactica: The Mini-Series (Part 1)

For our first episode, Jason Arriola, Stephanie Kulak, Vanessa Cahill, and Ceratopian have an in-depth discussion about the fantastic first part of the Battlestar Galactica miniseries. Since the plugs were flubbed on this episode, you can follow Stephanie on Instagram, Stephanie’s tea photos on Instagram, Vanessa on Twitter, Ceratopian on Twitter and Instagram, and Jason […]

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