Tag Archives: Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age

Jason Arriola’s Favorite Games of 2017

I guess being a bit of the odd duck on the site, I’m going to throw in a couple of retro releases. I have more than five games I want to list, but without the retro releases to round it out, I’d have some oddball number and it was going to drive me nuts. Much […]

Jason Arriola’s Top Ten (Mostly) Game Albums of the Year

    We put up John’s favorite albums from 2017 earlier this week. To jump on the bandwagon, these are my favorite game-related albums from last year. Most of them are direct soundtracks, but some are fan made remixes that stuck with me throughout the year.   Honorable Mentions: Shadows of Adam – Tyler Mire, Blossom Tales: […]

63 – A Must Miss Experience

A change in host! John Lucero takes over and is joined by Anthony Villanueva and Jason Arriola (not getting rid of him that easily) as they run down what they’ve been playing, give another short list of things Jason’s bought, Capcom and Nintendo analysis, opining on Kojima, some Final Fantasy news, and industry theft. Oh, and we […]

Final Fantasy XII Comparison Video

Yesterday, Square Enix announced Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age, a remastering of Final Fantasy XII, will be coming out in 2017 for the Playstation 4. They gave us a trailer and some screenshots that you can check out in my previous post about the Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age. Well, YouTube user Cycu1 upload a video comparing some of the […]

Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age Coming to Playstation 4 in 2017

If, like myself, you missed out on Final Fantasy XII for some reason or another, you’ll be given a chance to rectify that in 2017. Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age will be coming to the Playstation 4  in 2017 in North America and Europe. It also has a list price of $49.99 on Amazon at the moment, but that’s […]

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