Tag Archives: Gundam

80 – Why Is She Lachrymose?

Jason Arriola might be head over heels for Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana and John Lucero  is a bit apathetic about the Gundam Versus beta. New Borderlands game might be in the works, new Nightmare Creatures game is definitely in the works, Wii U getting another nail in the coffin, Puzzle Fighter on mobile, Resident Evil 7‘s getting its DLC wrapped […]

Guts Bringing The Musou Pain In A New Berserk Game

Luke and I have made no secret of our love of Gundam. We’ve also mentioned our love Berserk. It’s been sixteen years since Sword of the Berserk: Guts’ Rage came out on the Dreamcast. And the Playstation 2 game Berserk: Millinnium Falcon Hen Seima Senki no Sho was never released outside of Japan. Then, the most wonderful time of […]

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