Tag Archives: Samurai Shodown

Multimedia Failure 19 – Samurai Spirits 2 – Asura Zanmaden

Jason Arriola, Vanessa Cahill, and John Lucero are back on not only that anime bullshit, but back to the world of Samurai Shodown. This time, it’s more focused on Nakaruru, but it’s still rather…slight. Like what you hear? You can support us on Patreon, listen to us on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher, Spotify, or you can subscribe here.  Why not give us […]

Multimedia Failure 10 – Samurai Shodown

Jason Arriola, Vanessa Cahill, and John Lucero  watched Samurai Shodown for this episode. Somehow, we managed to talk less about this one than the Art of Fighting OVA, and that one was half the length of this. That said, it should be fairly obvious there’s not a lot to love about this one, but we do our damnedest to keep it […]

The Devil is in the Details

I was recently looking for a new lock screen and background for my phone and decided I wanted to go with a Street Fighter theme. I typed in “Ken vs Ryu wallpaper” into Google, hit images, and scrolled through hundreds of images that came up. The one that ended up as my lock screen was […]

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