Tag Archives: sol deace

Rock Out With Your Cart Out 97 – Masters of VGM (Motoi Sakuraba, Yasunori Mitsuda, Takahiro Unisuga, and Jane-Evelyn Nisperos)

I’m coming in just under the wire to get in on the fun of the Masters of VGM topic going around the video game music podcast community, but I made it! I hemmed and hawed over these picks quite a bit, and this list could have turned out differently depending on the day. That said, […]

ROWYCO 40 – Sol-Feace (Sharp X68000)

Who else but Motoi Sakuraba could get me to check out the soundtrack for a side-scrolling shooter that started life on the Sharp X68000? Yeah, probably Falcom Sound Team, but Sakuraba got me here this time. Anyway, this was one I only recently learned about myself and I’m happy to share my newfound love of […]