Tag Archives: video game movie

Multimedia Failure 12 – Battle Arena Toshinden

Jason Arriola, Vanessa Cahill, and John Lucero  check out the hair on Eiji as they take a dive into the Battle Arena Toshinden OVA. This, much like our next episode, is a two part thing we’re covering in one episode because they’re short. That and, honestly, we don’t think we could dedicate two episodes to these things. Like […]

Multimedia Failure 11 – Fatal Fury: The Motion Picture (with Melissa Diaz)

(Quick note, I want to apologize about my audio. It was something I didn’t notice until I sat down to edit a batch of these, so the audio for the next couple of episodes on my end isn’t up to where I’d like it. I’ve got it fixed now, but I guess that’s what happens […]

Multimedia Failure 10 – Samurai Shodown

Jason Arriola, Vanessa Cahill, and John Lucero  watched Samurai Shodown for this episode. Somehow, we managed to talk less about this one than the Art of Fighting OVA, and that one was half the length of this. That said, it should be fairly obvious there’s not a lot to love about this one, but we do our damnedest to keep it […]

Multimedia Failure 9 – Art of Fighting

Jason Arriola, Vanessa Cahill, and John Lucero  are hunkering down for the first in our gauntlet of anime OVA’s, and this episode is Art of Fighting. There’s a lot going on in this one but not a whole happens. Except saxophone. There’s a lot of saxophone. And cat ass. Quick links to stuff we mentioned in the […]

Multimedia Failure 5 – Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie

Jason Arriola, Vanessa Cahill, and John Lucero take a look at Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie. If you’re a fan of the Street Fighter series, you’ll probably dig this one. If you’re not, well, maybe? Like what you hear? You can support us on Patreon, listen to us on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher, Spotify, or you can subscribe here.  Why not […]

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