Tag Archives: video game soundtack

Rock Out With Your Cart Out 62 – Power Blade (NES)

It’s been quite a while since we’ve done a soundtrack from the NES (Mighty Final Fight, way back on episode 39), so I thought we’d go to a favorite of mine, Power Blade by Kinuyo Yamashita (aka James Banana). Support me on Patreon. The ROWYCO theme song is “Kaze Fuma” and was created by chibi-tech for the […]

ROWYCO 27 – The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III – Disc One

Jason Arriola and Dominic Chavez are going Falcom Sound Team jdk crazy for the next few episodes! Over the course of our next four episodes, we’ll be covering the soundtrack for The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III. Normally, this means this would be taking up two months of regular shows, but with the North American […]

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