ROWYCO 39 – Mighty Final Fight (NES)

This week, I’m listening to Mighty Final Fight! It’s a SD version of the arcade beat ’em up on the NES with a really great, albeit short, soundtrack. Setsuo Yamamoto and Yuko Takehara handled the compositions on this on. You might not know their names, but you’re more than likely familiar with their work!

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The ROWYCO theme song is “Kaze Fuma” and was created by chibi-tech for the podcast.

The ROWYCO logo was designed by Melissa Diaz.

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And finally, here’s the track listing for this episode.


-Title Screen

-Player Select

-Round 1 (Slum)

-Round 2 (Riverside)

-Round 3 (Old Town)

-Round 4 (Factory)

-Round 5 (Bay Area)

-Round Clear

-Boss Theme

-Bonus Round

-Final Boss Theme

-Final Round Clear

-Continue/Game Over

-Ending Theme