ROWYCO 40 – Sol-Feace (Sharp X68000)

Who else but Motoi Sakuraba could get me to check out the soundtrack for a side-scrolling shooter that started life on the Sharp X68000? Yeah, probably Falcom Sound Team, but Sakuraba got me here this time. Anyway, this was one I only recently learned about myself and I’m happy to share my newfound love of this soundtrack with you!

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The ROWYCO theme song is “Kaze Fuma” and was created by chibi-tech for the podcast.

The ROWYCO logo was designed by Melissa Diaz.

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And finally, here’s the track listing for this episode.


-Cosmic Illusion (Mission 1)

-Boss 1 (Mission 1, 2, and 4)

-Enemy’s Arsenal (Mission 2)

-Artificial Solar (Mission 3)

-Cruise Ship -Glacier- (Mission 4)

-Pluto Base (Mission 5)

-Boss 2 (Mission 5 and 6)

-Enemy’s Last Stand (Mission 6)

-Boss 3 (Mission 3 and 7)


-Credit Roll


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