Tag Archives: sharp x68000

Rock Out With Your Cart Out 67 – Illumination Laser (X68000)

I swear I’m not trying to out-obscure myself every few episodes, but I stumbled on this one and had to share. I mean, I’ve said how much I love a good shooter soundtrack and how much I love a good X68000 soundtrack. Now, a good X68000 shooter soundtrack? Yeah, right in my wheelhouse. Anyway, you’ll […]

Rock Out With Your Cart Out 53 – Star Trader (X68000)

This week, I’m getting back to the game soundtrack I had to pull an audible on – Star Trader for the X68000! I originally thought the soundtrack for this version was the same as the original version of the game on the PC-88. As it turns out, I was way off! The original version of […]

ROWYCO 40 – Sol-Feace (Sharp X68000)

Who else but Motoi Sakuraba could get me to check out the soundtrack for a side-scrolling shooter that started life on the Sharp X68000? Yeah, probably Falcom Sound Team, but Sakuraba got me here this time. Anyway, this was one I only recently learned about myself and I’m happy to share my newfound love of […]

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